|| la memoria e' un ingranaggio collettivo

Glossary Of Common Terms In Genoa G8 Hearings

accusa > charge, indictment; the prosecution; public prosecutor (intentare un'accusa > to charge, to bring a charge; essere in stato d'accusa > to be committed for trial, indicted)
acquisizione > the receipt/acceptance of something (records etc)
archiviare, archiviazione > to dismiss (a case)
articolo (di legge) > article
arresto > arrest (in arresto > under arrest)
assoluzione > acquittal
atti > acts, records, deeds; legal proceedings (fare gli atti a qualcuno > to start legal proceedings against someone
avvocato > lawyer

battaglione > battalion
banco > stand

capitano > captain
CC - Carabinieri (military police]
calunnia > slander, defamation, libel; false accusations
carica > a charge, an attack (by police, in this case)
capo di imputazione > charge (a giudizio per i seguenti capi di imputazione > on trial for the following charges)
CCIR - contigenti contenimento e intervento risolutivo > Carabinieri riot squad
codice civile > civil code
codice di procedura penale > criminal procedure code
codice penale > criminal code
collegio difensivo > defense counsel
collegio giudicante > panel of judges, the Bench
comandante > commander, police chief
comma > paragraph
commissariato > police station
compagnia > company, brigade
condanna > sentence, conviction
consulente > expert; legal advisor; counsel
contingente > contingent
controesame > cross examination
controprova > verification, evidence brought in cross-examination
COT - centro operativo telecomunicazioni - communications operation center

danneggiamento > damage
decreto > decree
denuncia > a report (filed with police), a charge, a complaint
devastazione e saccheggio > destruction and looting
dibattimento > trial, hearing
difesa > defense
Digos > security police
dirigente > leader; manager; high-ranking officer
dolo > fraud; malice

eccezione > objection, plea (sollevare un' eccezione > to raise an objection; eccezione nel merito > substantive plea)

fascicolo > file

generale > general
giudice d'istruzione > investigating magistrate
GIP - giudice per le indagini preliminari > preliminary investigations magistrate
giudice a latere > One of two associate justices on a three-person panel headed by a chief justice/presiding judge
GOM - gruppo operativo mobile > penitentiary police disciplinary unit
GUP - giudice per le udienze preliminari > preliminary hearings magistrate

identificazione > identification
imputato > defendant, accused
inchiesta > investigation
incidente > objection (sollevare un'incidente > to raise an objection)
incidente probatorio > police reenactment, reconstruction
indagine > investigation
interrogatorio > interrogation
istanza > application, petition, request, appeal

legge > law
lesione > damage, bodily harm

maggiore > major
manganello > baton
memoria > memorial

notifica > summons, service
notizia di reato > notification of a crime OR information regarding a crime

Obiezione > objection
opposizione > opposition, contradiction, clash
OP - ordine pubblico > public order
ordinanza > order, injunction; writ; warrant (ordinanza del tribunale > court order; ordinanza di rinvio a giudizio > indictment)
ordine di servizio > (duty/service) order (within a work context)

parte civile > plaintiff, claimant
parte lesa > the injured party
persona offesa > plaintiff, claimant
perito > expert
perizia > expert testimony, expert report, survey, examination (perizia giudiziaria > judicial examination)
perquisizione > search
pestaggio > beating
Placanica > Mario Placanica - the 21-year-old draftee Carabinere officer who shot dead Carlo Giuliani on July 20, 2001. He was later cleared of all charges but has since been dismissed
plotone > platoon
prefetto > prefect (prefetto di polizia > police prefect)
PS - polizia di stato > state police
Polizia Penitenziaria > prison police, prison guard service
prescrizione > statute of limitations
procedimento > proceedings, trial (procedimento sommario > summary proceedings; procedimento penale > prosecution; (procedimento connesso > related proceedings)
processo > trial
procura > public prosecutor's office, prosecutors
prova > evidence
PM - pubblico ministero > public prosecutor

querela > action, lawsuit
questore > police chief
vice questore > deputy police chief

reato > crime
relazione di servizio > service report
reperto > evidence
resistenza a pubblico ufficiale > to resist a public official
riconoscimento > recognition, identification
RIS - Reparto investigazioni scientifiche > scientific investigations division
rinvio a giudizio > indict, commit to trial

sentenza > ruling, sentence
sequestro > seizure
sintesi > summary
SIT (sommarie informazioni testimoniali) > summary of witness statements
sostituto > substitute, assistant, vice, deputy
squadra mobile > flying squad
Supportolegale > See below for a brief description that can be attached to the end of any translation*
stralcio, stralciare > to extract, remove

tenente > lieutenant
teste o testimone > witness
testimonianza > testimony, witness
testimoniare > to testify
Tonfa > a side-handle baton
trascrizione > transcription,
travisamento> misrepresentation, distortion of the truth
tribunale > court, tribunal
Tuscania > Tuscania paratroopers regiment

udienza > hearing
udienza preliminare > preliminary hearing

verbale > (written) police report
verbale di arresto > an arrest report
verbale di perquisizione > a search report